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Sexual violence should not be tolerated in any society. The vision of Te Ohaakii a Hine – National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together is for Aotearoa New Zealand to be free of sexual violence. This website is designed to provide you with information, research and gain access to sexual violence response and prevention services, representing members all over the country.
Find a sexual violence support service near you…
![New Zealand](https://toah-nnest.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/New_Zealand_Test.jpg)
Getting Help
If you, or someone you know, has experienced sexual violence or become concerned about harmful sexual behaviour towards others, please contact our Agencies to find help or you can click on the map of Aotearoa on the right to access support near you.
Please note that this list is referred to as a part of the eligibility criteria for MSD’s Request for Proposal ‘Sexual Violence Crisis Response Services for Current Gaps in Service’ available on the GETS (Government Electronic Tenders) website www.gets.govt.nz (reference: MSD 2015.037)
News and Events
Whats happening in Aotearoa – for news, conferences dates or to simply to scope our activity, click here.
TOAH-NNEST prides itself on being available for media comment or discussion. Please contact our National Office, our team will ensure that you are directed to an appropriate specialist spokesperson.
We ask all media to consider the following guidelines when reporting on issues about sexual violence to refer to Reporting Sexual Violence in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
The function of crisis support services responding to sexual violence perpetrated against adults and young people is to mitigate the psychological impacts of that sexual violence so that the survivor’s psychological, social, physical, economic and spiritual well-being can be restored.
While this has been done from a “grass roots” perspective for the last 30 years, advances in science mean that we can now link what we do to the expanding evidence base. It is in the interests of survivors that our work is informed by this evidence. In addition, funding streams are increasingly requiring such links between evidence base and practice.
These Guidelines are intended to present the knowledge and skill of the sector in relation to what we know works, responding to survivor needs and experiences. All information is available to you via the above link.